Yearn to Wander
Off Again, This Time to Western North Carolina
Chicago to North Carolina in mid-April was very pretty. Dogwood and Redbud trees in bloom announced the beginning of Spring from Southern Indiana on through Kentucky, Tennessee, and Western North Carolina.
Red-Winged Blackbird: Brief Study
Seeing Red-Winged Blackbirds puff up just before he belted out song was a first for me... Take a look. (Fort Sheridan, IL)
A Brief Respite at Home
Gillson Park with Wilmette Beach and Harbor always beckons when we're home. The Wood Duck is still there and has some new friends.
Across the Northern Route -- from Seattle to Chicago
After we left the rain in Vancouver and Seattle, the weather was changeable. Snow followed us across the Cascades. But the Eastern Washington desert was warm and sunny. We met snow again as we crossed Northern Idaho and Western Montana, especially in the passes. From Eastern Montana to Chicago we had typical Great Plains Spring weather, much to the delight of locals in South Dakota, where snow had only recently melted.
Neck Point Park on Sunday Morning
A cool but mostly sunny Sunday morning made for a lovely bird walk through Neck Point Park in Nanaimo. The highlights for me were the California Quails that crossed our path and the Goldeneye's mating ritual a few feet from the shore as our walk began.
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