Yearn to Wander

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Those Are Clouds, Not Mountains
Those Are Clouds, Not Mountains

A Sunny, Sunny Birdwalk

After a walk through the fog last week, the sun was welcome. It seemed like the first day of Spring, albeit a bit early, as we looked for birds along the Georgia Strait and Little Qualicum Estuary. The biggest treat was a flock of Trumpter Swans milling just off the shore.
ms 2012-02-16 4 Pictures
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Condensed Fog Dripping from Fungus
Condensed Fog Dripping from Fungus

A Foggy, Foggy Morning

of birding along the Englishman River Estuary.
ms 2012-02-07 6 Pictures
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French Creek River Otter
French Creek River Otter

Greeetings from Vancouver Island

Snow greeted us here, but melted as quickly as it came. Now clouds, rain, and intermittent sun rule the days. But nature doesn't seem to mind, and those sunny days with the low angles make photography fun, especially when a resident River Otter bids us hello.
ms 2012-01-28 9 Pictures
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Aqua Tower, award winner by Jeanne Gang, 2009
Aqua Tower, award winner by Jeanne Gang, 2009

Chicago, A Different Kind of January

January in Chicago? Sunshine and jackets ... what a pleasant place to go architecture hunting again. After weeks of enjoying London's new collection, Chicago seemed different. A couple new ones: Aqua Tower and Trump Tower, a few old favorites, plus Marilyn bigger than life, change Chicago's look, too.

Then winter came. We enjoyed the snow this time, especially a walk in Harms Woods.
ms 2012-01-28 7 Pictures
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Swiss Re Headquarters, Foster and Partners, 2004, affectionately known as The Gherkin
Swiss Re Headquarters, Foster and Partners, 2004, affectionately known as The Gherkin

A Taste of London's Architecture

London's built environment is world renowned: Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral et al. But they have lots of company now, especially in the City.
ms 2012-01-28 11 Pictures
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