Yearn to Wander


Birding at Nisqually NWR

Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge sits at the estuary of the Nisqually River which empties into the south end of Puget Sound.
The NWR land, formerly diked for farming, is being restored by several government agencies, Nisqually Native American tribe, and volunteer groups, such as Ducks Unlimited and others. An extensive boardwalk through the estuary is one of the Refuge's highlights. Walking along it visitors can view the wildlife while disturbing it less. Other restoration activities have included removal of several invasive species, such as English Ivy and Scotch Broom and refurbishing the soil to eliminate the effects of years of grazing and plowing.

As with other inviting areas along the Pacific Flyway, it attracts a variety of birds, particularly during the Spring and Autumn migration seasons. Although early in the season, several different ducks, songbirds, and a few other birds took advantage of the restored area.
ms 2012-04-01



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